And what I mean by that is, false. It is a blatant lie, but it is an entertaining lie for it is laced with sarcasm (which on the Internet you are sure to not detect). And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer, is no.
However if I were to pursue such a course in life I have found the means to do so: Beach Body's P90X program. But my goal is not so lofty as to have women gaze at my amazing body in malls all over the country. My goal is to be able to complete these races without running out of energy halfway through; my goal is to have the endurance necessary to push and give it my all for the full length of the race. While I'm sure my skill isn't good enough to win the races, my skill is at least at a higher level than my endurance. Therefore my endurance is holding me back the most (a fact you will see as more race reports are posted) at this time and if I can fix that, I can focus on my skill more. I think I could improve several placements if I could just give it my all the whole race...placing 1st Overall Amateur? I'll need to improve my skill first, but I think I can be top 20 to top 15 with my current skill if I can just last the whole race.
Now before you look at their site and think, "Okay you're doing it wrong - that's just going to get you looking better." I have to let you know that a lot of dirtbike racers use this program, both motorcrossers and desert racers. And after learning more about it I can see why - this program is intense and really elevates your whole physique to a higher level of fitness. A higher level of fitness will translate into the endurance needed for the races.
So luckily I have a friend who had just done the P90X program and offered to let me give it a test run. It is a pretty comprehensive program involving 12 different workouts each on their own DVD, it also includes a diet program and supplement program. Since I'm just borrowing it I only be doing the workouts first, but I figure if I like it I will make the purchase and do the entire system.
Watching the first DVD that explains the program there are basically 3 different P90X routines: Lean, Classic, and Doubles. Even though I've been racing at this point and consider myself in decent shape, this program is intense and so I'm starting with the Lean routine first. After 90 days of this, if I'm happy with it the workouts (which I fully expect to be), I'm going to buy the full program and then proceed to do the Classic, and then Doubles. Based on what the first DVD went over, the Doubles routine sounds like the one that will be the most use
ful for desert ra
cing as it essentially is the same as the Classic routine only more of it (2 hours on select days of the week instead of 1).
I'm excited for this! The program calls for before and after pictures, so here are my before pictures! Don't laugh too hard if you can help it! I'll post a weekly update with my progress so check back for laughs...err inspiration! (I apologize for the poor layout...blogger leaves a lot to be desire in terms of layout. If you are familiar with blogger and know some tricks to better layouts, let me know please!)
My eyes!!! AaahhhH!!!
hahahha - yeah you wait till 90 days is up and then we'll see what you say! ;)
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