I've completed three weeks of P90X now and am happy with the progress. Workouts that were extremely difficult at first have become doable, and instead of dread I look forward to each workout with anticipation.
I ran into some trouble in Week Three - I had a crazy 24 hour flu one night which made me miss a day. I picked up where I left off the next day, but then a vacation weekend came up and I missed another day due to getting ready to go. On the vacation I attempted to catch up by doing two workouts in one day...which caught me up, and kicked my butt at the same time. Coming home from that vacation brought me into Week Four, where I'm now three days into the week, but haven't done a single workout. It is supposed to be a "recovery
What to do? Try and make up the three missed workouts, doing two a day until I'm caught up? Or just pretend I didn't miss those three days and pick up where I would be? I can't de
Anyways the program is going well despite the couple mishaps along the way. Here are some pictures (scattered throughout the post) to show my progress (if any) - these were taken at the official end of Week Three. It's hard to see it sometimes - I feel way better, but these pictures don't look a whole lot better than the "before" pictures. I know it's only been three weeks so I probably shouldn't be expecting any huge change yet, but anyways have a look.
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