Thursday, March 5, 2009

Furious bros. attacks the GNCC!

But not the way you're thinking! That would be pretty awesome if Paul and I were to go and go a GNCC. But the cost would be quite prohibitive since the GNCC is an east coast circuit and we're here on the western side of the country.

But Paul and I are not the only brothers in the family. We count any other brothers as Furious bros. also, and so it is that our brother Matt attended Round 1 of the GNCC a few days ago. However he wasn't there to race, but to take pictures as he's trying to explore new avenues of his craft (he's a photographer by profession).

He got a lot of great shots, here's a sampling of them. Enjoy!


Tony said...
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Tony said...

Wow, great pictures! Good luck with your new ventures!

Nathan said...

Thanks man! I'm hoping to have some good stuff to blog about up there and hopefully I'll be better at updating than I have been the last few months!